Georgette Lilley – Metis Artist
Roots: Lesser Slave Lake
Now calls home: Edmonton
Georgette Lilley was born and raised in Northern Alberta on the Lesser Slave Lake. She and her husband moved to Devon on 1975.
Georgette started seriously beading kin Arizona when she retired. She has had the pleasure of learning from expert Navajo and Quechan beaders. She has also taught herself many different beading techniques. Georgette is Metis, and Metis sash colors, and the art of sash weaving strongly influences her beadwork.
“I believe that beadwork is a beautiful art form, and it’s important to pass it on to future generations. I use many different indigenous techniques in my beadwork. I believe Truth and Reconciliation encourages us to share our knowledge with all nationalities, and embrace their culture and traditions too.

Artist Medium(s)
Beadwork Design Artist, Ribbon Skirts, Leather Craft