James is a member of the Tataskweyak Cree Nation in northern Manitoba. He has lived in all the western provinces and has been influenced by the art and culture of all the western tribes and clans.
He first picked up a beading needle in early 2017 and instantly fell in love. He beads everyday and enjoys trying new stitches, new patterns and experimenting with new patterns. He likes to use traditional patterns and add a modern twist. James lost his mother to cancer during the first covid wave, beading and crafting played an enormous role in helping him deal with the grief.
James makes dreamcatchers both contemporary and traditional, rawhide rattles, turtle rattles, drums, cell phone cases, business card cases, medicine pouches, lanyards, keychains, framed beaded artwork, bookmarks, chokers and jewelry. He primarily does beadwork but is currently learning to tuft and do quillwork. James uses traditional & modern supplies to make his Cree-ations.